Here is a short selection of texts that has inspired our work.
Andén-Papadopoulos, Kari/ Pantti, M. (Hg.) (2011): Amateur Images and Global News. Bristol u. a.: Intellect Books.

Biekart, Kees / Fowler, Alan (2013): Transforming Activisms 2010: Exploring Ways and Waves. In: Development and Change 44(3), 527–546.

Brukow, Dagmar (2011): Before YouTube and Indymedia: Cultural memory and the archive of video collectives in germany in the 1970s and 1980s. In: Studies in European Cinema, 8(3), 171-181, DOI: 10.1386/seci.8.3.171_1.

Carpentier, Nico (2011): The concept of participation. If they have access and interact, do they really participate? In: CM, Communication Management Quarterly/Casopis za upravljanje  komuniciranjem, 21, 13-36.

Castells, Manuel (2012): Networks of Outrage and Hope. Social Movements in the Internet Age. Cambridge: Polity.

Chadwick, Andrew (2013): The Hybrid Media System. Politics and Power. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Coleman, Renita (2010): Framing the Pictures in Our Heads. In: D’Angelo, Paul /Kuypers, Jim A. (Hg.): Doing News Framing Analysis. Empirical, Theoretical, and Normative Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 233-261.

Cottle, Simon (2006): Mediatized Conflict. Maidenhead, New York: Open University Press.

Doerr, Nicole/ Mattoni, Alice/ Teune, Simon (2015): Toward a Visual Analysis of Social Movements, Conflict, and Political Mobilization. In: dies. (Hg.): Advances in the Visual Analysis of Social Movements. Emerald Group (research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, 35), XI–XXVI. DOI: 10.1108/S0163-786X(2013)0000035004.

Eder, Jens/ Klonk, Charlotte (Hg.) (2016): Image Operations. Visual Media and Political Conflict. Manchester: Manchester UP.

Fahlenbrach, Kathrin/ Klimke, Martin/ Scharloth, Joachim (Hg.) (2016): Protest Cultures. A Companion. Oxford, New York: Berghahn.

Fraas, Claudia/ Meier, Stefan/ Pentzold, Christian (Hg.) (2014): Online-Diskurse. Theorien und Methoden transmedialer Online-Diskursforschung. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag (Neue Schriften zur Online-Forschung).

Fuchs, Christian (2014): Occupy Media! The Occupy Movement and Social Media in Crisis Capitalism. Alresford: Zero Books.

Gerbaudo, Paolo (2012): Tweets in the Streets. Social Media and Contemporary Activism. London: Pluto.

Gladwell, Malcolm (2010): Small Change. Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted. In: The New Yorker, 04.10.2010, 42-49.

Grabe, Maria Elizabeth/  Page Bucy, Erik (2009): Image Bite Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hesling, Willem (1989): Documentary Film and Rhetorical Analysis. In: de Greef, Willem/ Hesling, Willem (Hg.): Image-Reality-Spectator. Leuven: Acco, 101–131.

Hill, Symon (2013): Digital Revolutions. Activism in the Internet Age. Oxford: New Internationalist.

Holert, Tom (2008): Regieren im Bildraum. Berlin: Polypen.

Isermann, H. (2015): Digitale Augenzeugen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Ivakhiv, Adrian J. (2013): Ecologies of the Moving Image. Cinema, Affect, Nature. Waterloo: WLU Press.

Karatzogianni, Athina (Hg.) (2012): The Politics of Cyberconflict. New York: Routledge.

Knape, Joachim/ Ulrich, Anne (Hg.) (2012): Fernsehbilder im Ausnahmezustand. Zur Rhetorik des Televisuellen in Krieg und Krise. Berlin: Weidler Buchverlag (Neue Rhetorik, 11).

Meier, Stefan (2008): (Bild-)Diskurs im Netz. Köln: Halem.

Lievrouw, Leah (2013): Alternative and Activist New Media. Oxford: Wiley (DMS – Digital Media and Society).

Mason, Paul (2013): Why it’s Still Kicking Off Everywhere. The New Global Revolutions, London, New York: Verso.

McCaughey, Martha (Hg.) (2014): Cyberactivism on the participatory web. New York u.a.: Routledge (Routledge studies in new media and cyberculture, 18).

Meis, Mareike (2014): Protest per Handycam. Die Grüne Bewegung im Iran. Marburg: Tectum.

Morozov, Evgeny (2011): The Net Delusion. The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, New York: Public Affairs 2011.

Mortensen, M. (2014): Journalism and Eyewitness Images. Digital Media, Participation, and Conflict (Vol. 8). New York u.a.: Routledge.

Münker, Stefan (2009): Emergenz digitaler Öffentlichkeiten. Die Sozialen Medien im Web 2.0. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.

Nestler, Sebastian (2014): Kommunikations-Guerilla als Aneignungskunst und politischer Aktivismus aus der Perspektive der Cultural Studies. In: Helbig, Jörg/ Rußegger, Arno/Winter, Rainer (Hg.): Visualität, Kultur und Gesellschaft. Köln: Halem, 36-52.

Neumayer, C./ Svensson, J. (2016): Activism and radical politics in the digital age. Towards a typology. In: Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 22 (2), 131–146. DOI: 10.1177/1354856514553395.

Purcell, Kristen (2013): Online Video 2013. PewResearchCenter., last access 22.05.2016.

Reed, T.V. (2014): Digitized Lives. Culture, Power, and Social Change in the Internet Era. New York: Routledge.

Roger, Nathan (2013): Image Warfare in the War on Terror. Basingstoke England: Palgrave MacMillan (New security challenges).

Rossi, Luca/ Boccia Artieri, Giovanni (2014): Cyberprotest. Protest in the Digital Age. In: Fahlenbrach, Kathrin/ Sivertsen, Erling/ Werenskjold, Rolf (Hg.):  Media and Revolt. Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present. New York: Berghahn, 336–350.

Rucht, Dieter (2014): Changes of Protest Groups’ Media Strategies from a Long-Term Perspective. In: Fahlenbrach, Kathrin/ Sivertsen, Erling/ Werenskjold, Rolf (Hg.):  Media and Revolt. Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present. New York: Berghahn, 19–40.

Sauter, Molly (2014): The Coming Swarm. DDoS Actions, Hacktivism, and Civil Disobedience on the Internet. New York, London: Bloomsbury.

Shifman, L. (2012): An anatomy of a YouTube meme. In: New Media & Society 14 (2), 187–203. DOI: 10.1177/1461444811412160.

Shirky, Clay (2011): The Political Power of Social Media. In: Foreign Affairs 90 (2), 28–41.

Smith, Aaron (2013): Civic Engagement in the Digital Age. PewResearchCenter., last access: 11.02.2018.

Sonntag, Karlheinz (Hg.) (2013): E-Protest: Neue soziale Bewegungen und Revolutionen, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.

Tactical Technology Collective (2014): Visualising Information for Advocacy. 2. Aufl. URL:

Traue, B. (2012): Bauformen audiovisueller Selbst-Diskurse. Zur Kuratierung und Zirkulation von Amateurbildern in Film, Fernsehen und Online-Video. In: Lucht, P./ Schmidt, L.-M./ Tuma, R. (Hg.), Visuelles Wissen und Bilder des Sozialen: Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Soziologie des Visuellen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 281–301.

Trottier, Daniel/ Fuchs, Christian (Hg.) (2015): Social media, politics and the state. Protests, revolutions, riots, crime and policing in the age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. New York: Routledge.

Goriunova, Olga./ Vis, Farida (Hg.) (2015): The Iconic Image on Social Media.

Vowe, Gerhard (2012): Vom Steuerrad zum Netzwerk. Zwölf Thesen zur Medienpolitik in der Online-Welt. fgpk., last access: 26.05.2016.

Warnick, Barbara/ Heineman, David S. (2012): Rhetoric Online. The Politics of New Media. 2. Aufl. New York: Peter Lang.

Weibel, Peter (Hg.) (2013): Global Activism. Cambridge/Mass.: MIT Press.

Youmans, William Lafi/ York, Jillian C. (2012): Social Media and the Activist Toolkit. User Agreements, Corporate Interests, and the Information Infrastructure of Modern Social Movements. In: Journal of Communication 62 (2), 315–329. DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2012.01636.x.

Zutavern, Julia (2015): Politik des Bewegungsfilms. Marburg: Schüren (Zürcher Filmstudien, Band 34).

Andacht, Fernando (2014): A critical and semiotic approach to the wonderful, horrible life cycle of the Kony 2012 Viral Video. In: tripleC. Communication, Capitalism & Critique 12 (1), 214–237.

Andén-Papadopoulos, Kari (2014): Citizen camera-witnessing. Embodied political dissent in the age of ‘mediated mass self-communication´. In: New Media & Society 16 (5), S. 753–769.

Askanius, Tina (2013): Online Video Activism and Political Mash-up Genres. In: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC) 4., last access: 18.05.2016.

Askanius, Tina (2014): Video for Change. In: Gwinn Wilkins, Karin/ Obregon, Rafael/ Tufte, Thomas (Hg.): The Handbook of Development Communication and Social Change. New Jersey u.a.: John Wiley & Sons, 453–470.

Bode, Leticia/ Driscoll, Kevin/ Thorson, Kjerstin/ Vraga, Emily K./ Wells, Chris/ (2014): The rules of engagement. Comparing two social protest movements on YouTube. In: Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking 17 (3), 133–140. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2013.0117.

Brown, Pete/ Dubberley, Sam/ Wardle, Claire (2014): Amateur Footage. A global Study of User-Generated content in TV and online News output. PHASE 1 REPORT., last access: 20.07.2016.

Chouliaraki, Lilie (2010): Ordinary witnessing in post-television news. Towards a new moral imagination. In: Critical Discourse Studies 7 (4), 305–319. DOI: 10.1080/17405904.2010.511839.

Christensen, Christian (2014): Collateral Murder and the After-Life of Activist Imagery., last access: 18.05.2016.

Eder, Jens (2016): Affective Image Operations. In: Eder, Jens/ Klonk, Charlotte (Hg.) Image Operations. Visual Media and Political Conflict. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 63–78.

Edgerly, Stephanie et al. (2013): YouTube, Twitter and the Occupy Movement. In: Information, Communication & Society 16 (3), 421–451. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2012.756051.

Engelhardt, Johannes von/ Jansz, Jeroen (2014): Challenging Humanitarian Communication. An Empirical Exploration of Kony 2012. In: The International Communication Gazette 76 (6), 464–484.

Gregory, Sam (2010): Cameras Everywhere. Ubiquitous Video Documentation of Human Rights, New Forms of Video Advocacy and Concerns about Safety, Security, Dignity and Consent. In: Journal of Human Rights Practice 2 (2), 191–207.

Guadagno, Rosanna E./ Rempala, Daniel M./ Murphy, Shannon/ Okdie, Bradley M. (2013): What makes a video go viral? An analysis of emotional contagion and Internet memes. In: Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2312–2319. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2013.04.016.

Hillrichs, Rainer (2015): Die Mashup-Videos der Zwickauer Terrorzelle. In: Arenas, Fernando/ Mundhenke, Florian/ Wilke, Thomas (Hg.): Mashups. Neue Praktiken und Ästhetiken in populären Medienkulturen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 115–130.

Kligler-Vilenchik, Neta/ Thorson, Kjerstin (2015): Good Citizenship as a Frame Contest. Kony2012, Memes, and Critiques of the Networked Citizen. In: New Media & Society 18 (9), 1993–2011. DOI: 10.1177/1461444815575311.

Mihelj, Sabina/ van Zoonen, Liesbet/ Vis, Farida (2010): Performing citizenship on YouTube. Activism, satire and online debate around the anti-Islam video Fitna. In: Critical Discourse Studies 7 (4), 249–262.

Razsa, Maple J. (2014): Beyond ‘Riot Porn’. Protest Video and the Production of Unruly Subjects. In: Ethnos. Journal of Anthropology 79 (4), 496–524.

Reichert, Ramón (2012): Uploading Politics. YouTube und die Herausbildung einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Medienpolitik. In: Dörner, Andreas/ Vogt, Ludgera (Hg.): Unterhaltungsrepublik Deutschland. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 203–216.

Rieger, Diana/ Frischlich, Lena/ Bente, Gary: Propaganda 2.0. Psychological Effects of Right-Wing and Islamic Extremist Internet Videos. Hürth: Luchterhand Fachverlag (Polizei und Forschung, 44).

Serisier, Tanya/ Wilson, Dean (2010): Video Activism and the Ambiguities of Counter-Surveillance. In: Surveillance & Society 8 (2), 166–180.

Tereick, Jana (2014): Die ,Klimalüge’ auf YouTube. Eine korpusgestützte Diskursanalyse der Aushandlung subversiver Positionen in der partizipatorischen Kultur. In: Fraas, Claudia/ Meier, Stefan/ Pentzold, Christian (Hg.): Online-Diskurse. Theorien und Methoden transmedialer Online-Diskursforschung. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag (Neue Schriften zur Online-Forschung), 226–257.

Presence, Steve (2015): Reel News in the Digital Age. Radical Video-Activism in Britain. In:  Molloy, Claire/ Tzioumakis, Yannis (Hg.): The Routledge Companion to Film and Politics, London: Routledge, 103–111.

Tedjasukmana, Chris (2014): Die Öffentlichkeit des Kinos. Politische Ästhetik in Zeiten des Aufruhrs. In: Montage AV 23 (2): Politik, 13–34.

Walczak, Gerrit (2012): Wikileaks und Videokrieg. Weshalb wir noch immer nicht wissen, was wir im Collateral Murder-Video sahen. In: Mittelweg 36 (4), 4–39.

Zywietz, Bernd (2014): Hass- und Hetzpropgandavideos im World Wide Web. Ein Merkmals- und Untersuchungskatalog. In: Terrrorismus und Film,, last updated 20.11.2014.