

2022-03-31T12:03:12+00:00March 31st, 2022|Categories: Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien des Videoaktivismus, Conference, Links & Articles, News|Tags: , , |

Based on the symposium “Social Impact of Audio-visual Media” (2021) organized by Jens Eder, Catalin Brylla and Tobias Gralke, the new website is a research and pedagogical repository, as well as a networking platform, that can be used by scholars, filmmakers, producers, tutors and activists. The aim is to better understand the "impact" [...]

New Conference Website!

2022-01-06T13:34:28+00:00January 6th, 2022|Categories: Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien des Videoaktivismus, Conference, Events, Links & Articles, News|Tags: , , |

From now on you can find all information concerning our Online-Conference "Activating Attention: Political Videos on Social Media" (Jan. 20/21, 2022) on our new Website

SAVE THE DATE! International Online Conference: „Activating Attention – Political Videos on Social Media” / January 20 & 21, 2022

2022-01-06T13:14:50+00:00November 25th, 2021|Categories: Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien des Videoaktivismus, Conference, Events, News|Tags: , , |

The research project happily invites you to join the international Online Conference "Activating Attention – Political Videos on Social Media" on January 20 & 21, 2022. Speakers: Tina Askanius, Marcus Bösch, Yves Citton, Tom Divon, Şirin Erensoy, Aslı Kotaman, Sandra Ristovska, Sophija Savtchouk, Kerstin Schankweiler, Josepha Wessels, and others Organized [...]

TikTok and Social Movements – A Virtual Event on September 20

2021-09-17T11:02:59+00:00September 17th, 2021|Categories: Conference, Events, News|Tags: |

The virtual symposium TikTok and Social Movements will take place on September 20 The TikTok Cultures Research Network is pleased to announce its fourth virtual event TikTok and Social Movements on 20 September organized by founding members Dr Jin Lee, Associate Professor Crystal Abidin, and Dr Bondy Valdovinos Kaye. The half-day [...]

SAVE THE DATE! Online Symposium on Social Impact of Audiovisual Media / 12th & 13th August 2021

2021-11-25T19:39:06+00:00July 1st, 2021|Categories: Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien des Videoaktivismus, Conference, Events, News|Tags: , , |

Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth University, UK / CESJ), Jens Eder and Tobias Gralke from the research project “Attention Strategies of Video Activism on the Social Web” invite you to join the Online Symposium "Social Impact of Audiovisual Media" on the 12th and 13th of Augsut 2021. Speakers: Angela Aguayo, Naima Alam, [...]

Online-Lecture on Videoactivism

2021-02-11T13:34:37+00:00January 19th, 2021|Categories: Aufmerksamkeitsstrategien des Videoaktivismus, Conference, Events, News|Tags: , , |

Taking part in the digital lecture series Bildkulturen des Digitalen ('visiual culture of the digital') by Technische Universität Dresden, Chris Tedjasukmana - member of the research project - held a lecture on the topic of #Videoaktivismus ('videoactivism'). The event on January 11, 2021 was organised by Kerstin Schankweiler, professor for visual culture [...]

Ringvorlesung TU Dresden: Bildkulturen des Digitalen

2020-10-21T14:54:15+00:00October 21st, 2020|Categories: Conference, Events, News|Tags: , , |

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. Ringvorlesung an der Technischen Universität Dresden: Bildkulturen des Digitalen 26.10.2020 - 01.02.2021 mit einem Beitrag von Dr. Chris Tedjasukmana Die Professur für Bildwissenschaft im globalen Kontext veranstaltet im Wintersemester 2020/21 die Ringvorlesung Bildkulturen des Digitalen - Praktiken, Ästhetiken, Genres immer montags um 18.30 [...]

BayernLab Wunsiedel: Protest im digitalen Zeitalter

2020-10-21T15:02:48+00:00October 9th, 2020|Categories: Conference, Events, News|Tags: , , |

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. Protest im digitalen Zeitalter Eine Online-Veranstaltung des BayernLab Wunsiedel mit Dr. Chris Tedjasukmana, Eva Metz (Fridays for Future München), Ruth Jachertz (Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband) und Dr. Konrad Sziedat (BLZ) 14.10.2020 / 19.00 - 20.30 Uhr Ort: Virtueller Veranstaltungsraum der BLZ - zugänglich hier. [...]

The Power of Activist Videos – Some Impressions from the Conference

2019-07-31T16:05:22+00:00June 13th, 2017|Categories: Conference, News|

Silke Schwarz / ICI Berlin 2017 Jens Eder, Britta Hartmann & Chris Tedjasukmana during the conference opening at ICI Berlin The Power of Activist Videos – Impressions from the Conference A few impressions from our conference "The Power of Activist Videos“ at ICI Berlin. We wish to thank our lecturers [...]