Monthly Archives: June 2017


2019-07-31T22:00:32+00:00June 29th, 2017|Categories: Events|

IMAGE TESTIMONIES – WITNESSING IN TIMES OF SOCIAL MEDIA International Symposium hosted by the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies” Project B01 “Affective Dynamics of Images in the Era of Social Media” Free University Berlin, July 13-­15, 2017 Deadline for proposals: January 16, 2017 […]

Close Deadline: Call for Special Issues – Journal of Alternative and Community Media

2019-07-31T16:05:22+00:00June 28th, 2017|Categories: Events|

Alternative and community media research Call for special issue proposals     The Journal of Alternative and Community Media seeks proposals for a guest-edited special issue. The editors would be especially pleased to support a special issue addressing an emerging or topical theme within alternative and community [...]

The Power of Activist Videos – Some Impressions from the Conference

2019-07-31T16:05:22+00:00June 13th, 2017|Categories: Conference, News|

Silke Schwarz / ICI Berlin 2017 Jens Eder, Britta Hartmann & Chris Tedjasukmana during the conference opening at ICI Berlin The Power of Activist Videos – Impressions from the Conference A few impressions from our conference "The Power of Activist Videos“ at ICI Berlin. We wish to thank our lecturers [...]

A Call for Solidarity Regarding the Imprisonment of Kazim Kizil

2019-07-31T16:05:22+00:00June 11th, 2017|Categories: Links & Articles, News|

Kazim Kizil. Source [^] In the wake of the protests against the Turkish constitutional referendum in April 2017, Turkish video activist and documentary filmmaker Kazim Kizil was taken into custody by state forces and has since been imprisoned. […]

Affects – Media – Power | Conference Berlin June/July 2017

2019-07-31T16:05:22+00:00June 2nd, 2017|Categories: Events|

The Collaborative Research Center Affective Societies at Freie Universität Berlin and the German Association of Communication Research (DGPuK) division Sociology of Media and Communication will jointly be hosting a conference on Affect, Media and Power later this month (June 29th – July 1st). Registration is still [...]