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 After touring Europe in a form of a film caravan, the International Activist Documentary Film Festival „Mov(i)e Activism“ will have its first season’s finale in Berlin.


Thursday, July Thu 13-15th, 20:00,
Spreefeld Bootshaus Berlin

The need to connect and to animate the discourse on video activism has lead to the creation of the Mov(i)e Activism International Activist Documentary Film Festival, which until now has traveled Kragujevac (Serbia), Rijeka (Croatia), Coimbra (Portugal) and Valencia (Spain) in the form of a film caravan. Berlin will be its last stop, and all are invited to see the selection of activist documentaries they brought from all over Europe:

Projekt A (Germany),
Tito On Ice (Germany)
Plenumovi (Croatia)
Fighter Against It (Serbia),
A Bordo (Spain),
Praxis (Portugal),
In The City (Italy),
It Happened In The City (Italy) and
Food Anarchy (Slovenia).

Detailed information on the program can be found here >